What Can Sighted People Do?

Now I know what the checkered eye means. What do I do?

What people who wear the symbol want you to do is understand that they have some kind of visual impairment. Keep in mind that there is a spectrum of types and amounts of blindness and that the checkered eye symbol gives you only one piece of information: "I am on the blindness spectrum". Since visual information may or may not be useful for people who wear the checkered eye, here are some tips you can try:

- If a person seems to be struggling and in need of help, ask first.

- When giving directions, ask if the person can see any landmarks you may reference.

- Cashiers can read out totals rather than assuming low vision customers can see them.

- In restaurants, hotels and wherever written information is provided, offer accessible formats, such as Braille, audio, and large print.

Digital formats, such as tablets or online options, are often accessible to people with low vision who are comfortable using technology. QR codes that direct people to menus, for example, can be very user friendly.

Here are some guidelines for large print:

  • Use a simple font such as Arial or Verdana or Century Gothic
  • Text should be 18 points minimum size
  • Make your menus or literature letter sized, with page numbers and an index. (If you make the pages oversized, it may draw unwanted attention to your customer as many people with low vision will need to hold it close to their face.)
  • Laminate the front and back cover for protection but, since glare can be a problem, don't laminate the inside pages.
  • Where overhead menus are used, low vision customers may need extra help.



To help with effectiveness of the checkered eye please share any or all of the items on our "video" page.

You can also print the "8 1/2 x 11 poster" or "Pamphlet" * on this site, then bring it to work, show your friends, and fill your family in about what the emblem means. 

Any citizen can help this awareness effort by printing our “letter to chambers of commerce” and/or “letter to eye doctors”, and passing them along to their intended recipients.

Businesses can train employees to "Check for the Checkered Eye" and post the 4" round Checkered Eye awareness sticker. You may also post business card size booster stickers to remind staff. Stickers are free upon request.

Our one inch checkered eye stickers are used by doctors and hospitals to be placed on the files of patients with low vision.